When All Other Pain Treatments Fail, Try This....

Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD

April 29, 2024


If you have chronic pain of any kind, it might very well be caused by a common but completely ignored cause of pain. That’s true even if you are going to a pain specialist. Why?

It’s because what I am going to tell you about is not taught in medical school or in pain specialty programs. But in many cases until it is addressed, there will be no hope for you other than pain pills and other treatments that decrease pain but don’t get rid of it.

Listen to this remarkable story that Dr. Martin Gallagher, MD, DC reported at the last congress of The American Academy of Ozonotherapy.

The patient’s name is David. David developed a severe case of chest and abdominal pain. His doctors diagnosed it as a cyst in his bile duct. And so, they surgically removed the cyst and then re-routed the bile duct. The problem was that after the surgery, the pain persisted. According to David, the pain was aggravated by even minor movements. “I had to watch how I got out of a car and even tying my shoelaces.” After that, he was sent to a pain clinic and prescribed various drugs, topical pain meds, and TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation). The treatments helped him cope but did nothing to resolve the problem. So, after four years of continuous pain, David finally got smart and started looking for alternatives. That’s when he found Dr. Gallagher.

Dr. Gallagher diagnosed the cause of the pain as being the result of two factors. One, the initial cause was an irritation of the nerves that underline the ribs called the intercostal nerves. This was brought on by one of his ribs being out of place. It’s the kind of thing that can happen with little to no trauma. It’s also the kind of thing that chiropractors specialize in. And since Dr. Gallagher is a chiropractor in addition to being a medical doctor, he knew all about this condition. The other cause was something called a scar neuroma. This is a condition in which scars can cause pain. In David’s case, the scar that was causing him so much pain was the scar from the surgery. No wonder the surgery didn’t alleviate the pain! Here’s what Dr. Gallagher did.

Dr. Gallagher used chiropractic manipulation to correct the irritation in the intercostal nerves. He also injected the surgical scar with a combination of ozone and dextrose (pure sugar). These are commonly used treatments for scar neuromas. Here’s what happened.

After two treatments, for the first time in five years, David noticed less pain. After six treatments, the pain had decreased 50%. And after the 12th treatment, the pain was completely gone! Five years of pain was gone in three months. And that’s not all.

Dr. Gallagher went on to describe a case of chronic pain from shingles, a case of chronic neck pain after a surgical treatment for melanoma, and a case of trigeminal neuralgia. All of these patients had been suffering for years and had found very little help from traditional doctors. All of these cases were completely resolved using a combination of chiropractic, ozone therapy, and in one case acupuncture. So, here’s the point.

If you have been suffering from chronic pain in any part of your body and have been told by your conventional doctors that there’s no treatment for it, don’t believe it. At least not until you’ve seen a doctor like Dr. Gallagher, who knows how to combine alternative therapies with ozone therapy.

You can find Dr. Gallagher in Pittsburg, PA. His clinic phone number is 724-523-5505. You can find other doctors trained in these techniques at www.aaot.us.


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