December 28, 2012
Are laptops destroying
your manhood?
I've been writing of the dangers of electromagnetic (EMF) pollution for years. Here's significant proof from the mainstream that my warnings are on point.

Researchers collected semen samples from 29 healthy men in Argentina. They exposed the samples to Wi-Fi radiation from an Internet connected laptop. After four hours, 25% of the sperm cells were no longer swimming, compared to 14% in controls. Worse, the researchers found more DNA damage in the Wi-Fi sperm than sperm they didn't expose. The authors concluded that proximity of a laptop to testicles might decrease male fertility. Of course, the opposing side said that this is not a real life case, since the sperm had been removed from the body before exposure.

Hello? Is anyone in government with a brain listening? Here is evidence that exposure to something invisible, and relatively low energy can damage DNA. It's not even so much the energy. A hot water bottle contains more energy. It's the frequency of the radiation. DNA vibrates (frequency). Adding foreign frequency to natural oscillations of DNA is bound to alter its function.

Now I am well past the age to worry about my sperm. But, I am concerned about my brain, heart, and other vital organs. If sperm DNA becomes damaged by proximity to Wi-Fi, it is most reasonable to assume that any DNA in proximity to the radiation also will become deranged. Cell phone radiation, wireless connections and even your cordless phone emit similar radiation.

My advice remains unchanged. Use wired connections whenever possible. Limit your exposure to EMF to the extent you can. I do carry a cell phone. But use it seldom, and with a special wired earpiece (which I reported on) that limits EMF exposure and keeps the radiation-emitting phone away from my body. My computer Internet connection has ALWAYS been hard wired. No one has a clue what the long-term effects of EMF pollution will be on us, or life on the planet.

Don't let EMF rob you of your manhood – even if you're not worried about your sperm. Take steps now to protect the DNA in your entire body.

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Ref: Fertility and Sterility, 11-23-11 online.

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