Volume 2, Issue 13 |
March 26, 2009 |
How 90% of my back-pain patients avoid surgery
Do you have back pain? Has your doctor said you must have surgery or you'll continue to suffer? If so, I've got great news for you. There's a 90% chance he's wrong.
Many of my patients are like Shaz. He recently e-mailed me with the following question: "I recently had an MRI of my spine done. It showed a large disc movement toward the spinal cord. My neurosurgeon said this may require surgery if all of his recommendations don't work to put the disc back in its position. Is there anything else I can do to avoid surgery?"
I tell everyone who hears this type of suggestion from their doctor to always get another opinion. I would see either a chiropractor or an osteopath who specializes in osteopathic manipulation. But don't stop there. Also see a doctor who specializes in Prolozoner therapy.
Continued Below...
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I've written extensively about Prolozone therapy in my newsletter Real Cures. It's a technique I developed 15 years ago. Since then, I've taught it to hundreds of doctors all over the world. You can get a list of them at www.oxygenhealingtherapies.com.
Prolozone therapy uses injections of the powerful oxygen molecule ozone into areas of the body that are damaged and in need of healing. Prolozone treatments are about as close to a miracle treatment for back, neck, and joint conditions as I've ever seen. They not only get rid of the pain, but also actually heal the damaged tissues.
It's so effective, in fact, that about 90% of my back-pain patients — the ones told by their doctors that surgery is required — will respond completely to a combination of Prolozone therapy and either chiropractic or osteopathy.
You can read all about Prolozone on my website, which is free to paid subscribers. If you're not a subscriber, learning more about this therapy alone is worth the subscription price. You can subscribe by following this link.
Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD
Copyright 2009 Soundview Publishing, LLC
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