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Q: How can I subscribe to your Second Opinion® Newsletter?

A: Locate the Products navigation tab just below the mast head. Click into it and you'll see a discussion about Second Opinion® Newsletter and a link to sign up.

Q: How often is your Second Opinion® Newsletter published?

A: Once a month, delivered via postal mail. The newsletter is available online the day it goes to the printer.

Q: How often is the free Second Opinion® Health Alerts published?

A: Three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Q: I'm a subscriber to Second Opinion®, how do I access the archives?

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Q: How will I get my promised Special Reports now that I've subscribed to the newsletter?

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Q: Can I change my address and password?

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Q: What is your phone number?

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Q: How can I contact you by email?

A: Send an email to: [email protected]

Q: Can I make an appointment with Dr. Shallenberger?

A: Yes, many readers do. Dr. Shallenberger's practice is located in Carson City in northern Nevada, about 30 minutes from the Tahoe-Reno International airport. You can learn more about the clinic at Please call the office at 775-884-3990 for inquiries about appointments and fees. Dr. Shallenberger recommends that patients who are out of town obtain an initial telephone consultation before coming to the clinic. There are many conditions that he can treat right over the phone. And if you need to come to the clinic, a telephone consultation will help you to know what to expect, and how to properly plan for the visit.

Dr. Shallenberger's Favorites
Find out about Dr. Shallenberger's favorite vitamins, minerals, and herbs
Doctor's Favorites

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