Volume 2, Issue 41 |
October 8, 2009 |
The most mis-diagnosed
condition in medicine
Millions of people have a medical condition that they don't know about.ÿ Sometimes they develop it in their childhood years, but that is relatively uncommon. It usually starts later, in their 30s and 40s. By the age of 50, almost half of everyone will have this condition.
What's more, this condition is the most common cause of high cholesterol. It also causes weight gain, fatigue, increased susceptibility to infections, mood disorders, ADD, joint and muscle pains, and a host of other symptoms. The worst part about this disorder is that doctors almost always mis-diagnose it.
I'm not talking about a disease. Medical doctors don't usually miss diagnosing a disease. I'm talking about a condition. I'm talking about low thyroid function — also known as hypothyroidism.
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Thyroid hormones are considered the "master hormones." This is because all of the other hormones — the adrenal hormones, sex hormones, immune hormones, and growth hormones — can't perform their functions unless the thyroid hormones are present and accounted for.ÿ
They're also the most critical anti-aging hormones. Animal studies show that the ones with the best thyroid function live 46% longer than those with the lowest levels. Better yet, the ones with the most optimal thyroid function are much more active as they grow older, and have a much lower risk of developing a disease.
No one really knows exactly why thyroid decline is so common. It is certainly an effect of aging. Genetics can also play a role. And a number of very common environmental exposures can cause it. These include excess fluoride from supplements, toothpaste, and water fluoridation; diets deficient in selenium and zinc; excess mercury (common in vaccines, fish, and silver dental fillings); and dental, chiropractic, and medical x-rays.
Allopathic (regular) medicine is effective, but it's limited.ÿ It only treats diseases.ÿHomeopathic medicine is different.ÿ While it also treats diseases, its primary focus is on balance.ÿ Homeopaths believe that the reason the body becomes diseased in the first place is because it is out of balance.ÿThe difference between the two approaches becomes very apparent in how homeopathic doctors prescribe thyroid hormones.
Most doctors prescribe thyroid hormones only when there's a disease of the thyroid present. This could be in the case of a surgical removal of the thyroid, an infection of the thyroid, or an inflammatory condition called thyroiditis.ÿ These diseases always cause an abnormality in the thyroid blood tests, and are easily to diagnose.
What most doctors don't realize is that many people need help for their thyroid even when there isn't a disease present. Thyroid function can get out of whack even when it doesn't have disease. It can easily get out of balance. Next week, I'll show you how to diagnose and treat a thyroid imbalance. It could help you think clearer, lose weight, and feel 10 years younger.
Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD
Copyright 2009 Soundview Publishing, LLC
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