Volume 4, Issue 2
January 13, 2011

Cure early prostate cancer without chemo or radiation

Has your doctor said you have prostate cancer? Did he find it using the PSA test? If so, it’s likely you have a very early form of the cancer. And there’s great news for you. These cases almost always respond to some very simple therapies. In fact, if you follow these guidelines, it’s likely you won’t need more radical treatments.

First, stay away from foods high in animal fat. This includes butter, fatty meats, cheese, etc. Fats from fish and vegetables (including vegetable oils) are fine. You also need to eat a diet that’s high in fiber, particularly fresh vegetables and low glycemic fruits. Supplement this good diet with my Super Immune QuickStart. Take two scoops a day for the first three months. Then take one scoop a day.

Next, have your doctor measure your serum estradiol level. Estradiol is a female hormone, but men make it as well. And, as men get older, fatter, or drink too much alcohol, the levels will get higher. Also in certain men, taking DHEA will raise estradiol.  Elevated estradiol levels are one of the causes of prostate cancer, especially the most aggressive forms.

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If your estradiol level is greater than 30 pg/ml then you’ll need to lower it. This often just involves losing weight and/or cutting down on alcohol. However, men over 65 also may need to take the medication anastrazole. This drug interferes with the conversion of testosterone into estradiol. I have written all about this in previous issues of Real Cures (available on my website).

Next, start taking 5,000 units of vitamin D every day. After two months, have your serum calcium and your vitamin D level checked. The goal is to get your vitamin D levels greater than 70 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml), and maintain a normal calcium level. Keep increasing the dose until you achieve this. Many men will need 15-20 units per day.

Next, take iodine in the form of Iodoral. Start by taking 50 mg a day for two months. After that, take the 12.5 mg tablet daily. You can get Iodoral from www.vrp.com. Just mention that you are a Real Cures subscriber, and you will get a 20% discount.

Fish oil inhibits the growth of many forms of prostate cancer. I always take two capsules a day for general purposes because fish oil is so valuable in preventing many other diseases. So this is the minimum I would recommend for prostate cancer. A better dose would be four to six capsules per day.

You have heard me talk about Advanced Prostate Formula before. I really like this product, because I so often see results. While it’s not designed to treat prostate cancer, it’s great for prostate health. So I recommend it for every man. Even those guys with a PSA velocity less than 0.03 should consider taking it just for general prostate health. Take one tablet, two times a day.

In addition to the above, if you are overweight, now is a good time to lose it. And the best way for a man to do that is to regularly exercise for 30 minutes, three to four times a week. Get a copy of Al Sear's book The PACE Program to help you out with this. Also, find a doctor in your area who has Bio-Energy Testing, and consult with him regarding both exercise and metabolic therapy. The doctors offering this test (that everyone should have anyway no matter what their condition) are listed at www.bioenergytesting.com.

And one last thing: Sometimes an elevated PSA is due to an infection in the prostate. Discuss this possibility with your doctor, and treat it if necessary.

Following this program can work wonders in your fight against prostate cancer.

Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD

Copyright 2011 Soundview Publishing, LLC

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