Volume 5, Issue 24
June 14, 2012
How to save $240,000
medical expenses
I heard something on the TV news the other day that shocked me. Couples who retire this year can expect to spend an average of $240,000 on medical expenses before they die. And here’s the shocking part. This is an estimate of out-of-pocket expenses. It’s above and beyond what Medicare and insurance pays. And what’s even more amazing is that it doesn’t take into account dental expenses or long-term care, which could easily add up to thousands more.
The news anchor was quoting a story in the Boston Globe. The focus was that feeling great and being fully functional as you get older is not the only benefit from doing what it takes to be healthy. We also get another bonus — nearly a quarter of a million dollars! That’s more than enough money to pay for your gym membership, your chelation therapy, all your hormones and supplements, and still have plenty to go around the world a few times. At that rate, you will be getting paid about $25 an hour for working out four hours a week. How good can it get!
Why so much money? It’s because of the escalating cost of conventional medicine. Sunit Patel is a senior vice president for Fidelity Investment, Inc. He is the actuary who helped calculate the estimate. According to him, “As long as health care cost trends exceed personal income growth and economic growth, health care will still be a growing burden for the country as a whole and for individuals.”
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Actually, I have to disagree with him on the term “health care.” What he is talking about, taking medicines and having surgeries after you get sick, is not health care — it’s disease care. Health care is what you do to stay healthy. And that expense is not going up much at all.
According to the Boston Globe article, “The study is based on projections for a 65-year-old couple retiring this year with Medicare coverage. The estimate factors in the federal program's premiums, co-payments and deductibles, as well as out-of-pocket prescription costs. The study assumes the couple does not have insurance from their former employers, and a life expectancy of 85 for women and 82 for men.”
But how reasonable is it to expect that you can actually make it to age 82-85 without ever getting sick? In my world it is very realistic. Most of my 85 year olds feel good, have no medical problems, are fully functional, and take no medications. And I plan to be just like them. I have absolutely no intention at all of ever getting sick with anything. Why? Because despite the fact that I am 65, my oxygen utilization is that of a 36 year old.
One study back in 2000 looked at oxygen utilization in men as they get older. Oxygen utilization refers to how efficiently your body metabolizes oxygen into energy. Remember that just because you breathe the oxygen in does not mean that you are converting it to energy effectively. Decreased oxygen utilization leads to decreased cellular energy, which is the fundamental cause of all degenerative disease.
The first thing they discovered was not all that surprising: “Maximal aerobic capacity [another term for oxygen utilization] is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, cognitive dysfunction, and all-cause mortality.” What they are saying here is that your oxygen utilization is going to determine if you get sick, and how long you will live. Basically it’s going to determine how much of that $240,000 you get to keep.
So how can you measure your oxygen utilization? And how can you maximize it? Bio-Energy Testing, of course. I’ve told you about this test many times. And, yes, it is one test you cannot live without. You can learn more about Bio-Energy Testing on my website and in my book Bursting With Energy. That’s basically what the entire book is about. With this latest information, it looks like the book ought to be a part of your retirement plan. You can order it from any bookstore.
Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD
Retired couples may need $240,000 for health care. By Mark Jewell. The Associated Press
12:26 p.m. Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Wilson & Tanaka. Meta-analysis of the age associated decline in maximal aerobic capacity in men: relation to training status. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. Vol. 278: 829-834, 2000
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