Volume 7, Issue 25 June 19, 2014
How to increase your libido
and performance by as much as 18%
Erectile dysfunction used to be an unacknowledged problem — too embarrassing to talk about. Now, with the help of Big Pharma, it is no longer in the closet. In fact, you can hardly watch a televised sporting event for more than a few minutes without some mention of the condition. It turns out that many men, even men in their 30s and 40s, complain about a falloff in both their libido and ability to perform. Men, wouldn't it be great if there was a non-drug, herbal solution to improve this aspect of your life? I want to tell you about a new study on an old herb that could be the answer you are looking for.

The study looked at 109 men between the ages of 30-55. Many of the men complained of a less than satisfactory sex life. But close to 70% of them tested out normal on the typical questionnaires used to define erectile dysfunction. In other words, in this group of relatively young men, the erectile/libido problems were not severe for most of them. That's important for interpreting the results. Because any improvement in a group of men whose problems were not all that bad may indicate that men with a greater level of the problem might respond even better.

The researchers gave half of the men 300 mg/day of an aqueous extract of the root of the herb eurycoma longifolia, also known as tongkat ali. Tongkat ali has had a reputation in Malaysia for being an effective aphrodisiac. They gave the other men a placebo. The experiment went on for 12 weeks. Here's what they found.

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Unlike with a pharmaceutical approach, there were no side effects. Compared to the men on the placebo, the men taking tongkat ali had an 8-9% increase in their ability to have satisfying intercourse. They had a 14% improvement in their libido. Men typically have a decrease in seminal volume as they get older. This can lead to a less satisfying orgasm. The men in this study taking the tongkat ali had an 18% increase in seminal volume. All of these improvements resulted in a 14% increase in sexual activity in the men taking tongkat ali.

You can buy tongkat ali online. I recommend taking one to two capsules of a product called Natural Testosterone Booster — Indonesia Tongkat Ali Extract. It is a 1:100 extract strength and contains 400 mg per capsule – a little bit more than was used in this study. If it is like most herbs, a higher dose may be necessary for some men to get the full effect. You can buy it at Amazon.com.

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