If you think most heart attacks are caused by bad genes or bad luck, think again. Or if you think you can avoid a heart attack by taking Lipitor or some other drug, think again. New evidence suggests that your healthy lifestyle is the single biggest factor in heart-attack prevention.
In fact, leading scientists say that simply getting people to stop smoking, lowering blood pressure, staying fit, and controlling cholesterol could save the billions that will probably be squandered on unnecessary genetic interventions.
The medical establishment now realizes that it's this simple to prevent the vast majority of coronary events. I wonder what took them so long to discover this? Unfortunately, their solution to controlling hypertension and high cholesterol is prescription drugs.
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Traditionally, the medical establishment has said the four biggest risk factors for heart attacks are your cholesterol level, blood pressure, tobacco use, and the presence of diabetes. Now they're figuring out that exercising more and smoking less will help lower both your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels.
While your lifestyle is key to maintaining a healthy heart, it doesn't mean you should forget other risk factors such as homocysteine, Lp(a) (Lipoprotein-a), CRP (C-reactive protein), ferritin (iron), fibrinogen (clotting factors), heavy metal levels, nutritional deficiencies, and others. We know, for example, that a deficiency of magnesium in your body can devastate your heart.
Action to take: It's time you take charge of your health and make the necessary changes in your lifestyle. While the four basic risk factors are solid, the medical establishment has failed to understand that all four risk factors are easily boiled down to this:
Eat a good, God-made, mostly plant-based diet (with almost no refined carbohydrates - especially if you're diabetic), exercise moderately every day, stop smoking completely, and don't drink too much alcohol.
Don't let the media hype scare you into running out for a quick and easy fix with patented chemicals. These are all poisons you don't need to take. Making the necessary lifestyle changes is the best course of action, no matter what your age.
If high cholesterol is still an issue after you make the necessary lifestyle changes, I highly recommend you try Healthy Resolve's Advanced Cholesterol Formula. Those who have tried it are amazed at how well it works. You can order it by calling 800-728-2288.
For other ways to prevent heart attacks, take a look at the archives on the website.
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