As you may know, Premarin and other "Hormone Replacement" products are made from horse estrogen. Many studies show that use of these products increases your risk of cancer, and has other side effects, too.
As a result, many smart menopausal women are now turning to bio-identical hormone replacement, which contains the exact same combinations of estrogens that women have naturally. By using bio-identical estrogen replacement, these women are able to get relief from their symptoms without the side effects.
To get bio-identical HRT, all a woman needs is a prescription from her doctor, which she then takes to a compounding pharmacy.
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Unfortunately, Wyeth Corporation, the maker of Premarin, is petitioning the FDA to make bio-identical hormones illegal.
You can help stop this.
Use this link to send an email to FDA Commissioner Andrew C. von Eschenbach urging him to reject Wyeth's petition and preserve women's access to a broad range of health care options.
And please forward this e-mail to your friends.