Why metabolic syndrome can destroy a woman's sex life

Volume 13    |   Issue 81

Menopause can bring a number of changes to women's lives, affecting both their health and their quality of life. However, little research has been done to investigate many of these issues, particularly as they relate to postmenopausal women's sex drives. Researchers in Ecuador decided to study whether there was a connection between metabolic syndrome, its symptoms, and sexuality in postmenopausal women.

For this study, researchers asked sexually active women who had gone through menopause to fill out a menopause-specific quality of life questionnaire (MENQOL). This questionnaire includes a section regarding sexuality, including questions about libido, vaginal dryness, and sexual avoidance. The researchers also evaluated the participants for symptoms of metabolic syndrome.

Two hundred and six women met the researchers' criteria for inclusion in the study. Of these, 39.8% had metabolic syndrome. Approximately 52.9% had abdominal obesity, 55.8% had high triglycerides, 17.5% had hyperglycemia, and 59.7% had low levels of HDL (beneficial) cholesterol. However, none of these women differed from the healthy women in their scores on the sexual health section of the MENQOL - except for one group. Those who were hyperglycemic were much more likely to experience low libido and impaired sexuality than those whose blood sugar was healthy.

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Although none of the other factors affected female sexuality, it's important to keep in mind that they can take a significant toll on your health, so don't ignore them. But if you're concerned about sexual issues, such as low libido, you should find out if your blood sugar levels are higher than they should be. If they are, make sure you read my book The Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough, and follow the advice to get your blood sugar back into a healthy range. You also can try a new supplement from Advanced Bionutritionals, called Advanced Blood Sugar Formula, which can help your body regulate your blood sugar.

If you have both high blood sugar and high lipid levels, consider trying Mediterranean Cholesterol Formula, which can help lower your cholesterol levels and keep your heart in good health. It contains high levels of berberine, which will help get both your blood sugar and your lipids where they should be. This may help improve your libido as well as reduce the likelihood that menopause and metabolic syndrome-related conditions will impact your quality of life in other areas.


Yours for better health,




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