I receive more questions about lowering blood pressure and cholesterol than anything else. Most people are looking for ways to avoid toxic prescription drugs and the cost of more doctor visits. Well, I've got some great news: Here's the least expensive way I know of to control your blood pressure and cholesterol. And you can do it in the comfort of your own home.

Researchers in the Philippines performed a small study on 15 patients with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The researchers gave each of the patients a cup of green tea to drink three times a day after meals. None of the participants were green tea drinkers before the study.

After only one week, the group's average blood pressure fell from 130/87 to 117/81. After two weeks, it was at 118/80. And the group's total cholesterol dropped from 235 mg/dL to 187 mg/dL.

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Insulin’s Evil Twin

This overlooked hormone might be the real reason you still struggle with out-of-control blood sugar. But most doctors (even alternative doctors) ignore it completely.

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I'm a huge fan of green tea. It's a beverage you can drink as part of your daily routine. I'm working on a source of inexpensive, but high quality Chinese green tea. I will let you know as soon as we've got the details worked out. Until then, any organic green tea is fine. You can find it in some grocery stores and most health food stores.

Yours for better research and medical freedom,

Ref: Family Practice News, December 11, 2004.

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