You may have heard that a good diet can lower your cholesterol.
But what if I told you one simple snack food can lower your cholesterol better than any drug on the market? In fact, this wonderful snack can also raise your good cholesterol by nearly 13%. And it can even lower your triglycerides by a whopping 31% or more!
Here's the proof:
Researchers recently conducted a well-controlled study on men with high cholesterol. The researchers started these men on a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet for four weeks. Then they supplemented that diet for four weeks with hazelnuts (40 grams per day). This amount provided 11.6% of their total energy intake.
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At the end of the four weeks, the subjects showed a major 19.5% decrease in VLDL cholesterol, a 31.8% reduction in triglycerides, and a 9.2% reduction in dangerous apolipoprotein B levels. Their total cholesterol dropped 5.2%, LDL cholesterol fell 3.3% and good HDL cholesterol rose 12.6%. It can be hard to raise HDL, so this finding is a real pearl.
I've always said statins do what they're supposed to do - lower cholesterol. But the side effects are often life threatening. And we've known for some time that nuts lower cholesterol and are good for your heart. But we've never seen results like this from any other nut.
Unfortunately, you're not going to read about it in the newspaper or see it in TV ads. You're only going to see it here. A simple and easily available food added to your diet can significantly help your cholesterol.
I hope that I've convinced you over the years that high cholesterol is not a genetic need for a statin drug. It's a manifestation that something is wrong with your diet or metabolism. This study supports my long-term advice to lower your consumption of bad fats and rely more on nuts and seeds for fat intake.
Please, always make diet and lifestyle your number one choice for any heart-related health challenge. You'll live much longer and with a much higher quality of life.
Ref: Mercanligil, S.M., P. Arslan, et al. "Effects of hazelnut-enriched diet on plasma cholesterol and lipoprotein profiles in hypercholesterolemic adult men," Eur J Clin Nutr., 2006 September 13.