If you are interested in losing weight, my new favorite bioflavonoid supplement might just be your ticket to success.
A few months ago, I was the first to bring you news of the wonders of Seanol. This fabulous nutrient is a proprietary extract of brown seaweed. Now a new study has shown that the pigment found in brown seaweed - called fucoxanthin - may help you lose weight.
Fucoxanthin is a brown pigment that helps the seaweed plant's photosynthesis process. And you won't find it in any other type of edible seaweed, including red or green seaweed. This one pigment gives brown seaweed 10-100 times more active flavonoids than 3,000 other red and brown algae.
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In the study, Japanese researchers followed 200 rats and mice. They found that fucoxanthin fights fat accumulation through two different mechanisms. First, it stimulates a protein called UPCI, which causes fat to break down. UPCI is abundant in the abdominal area. So it's especially helpful in fighting abdominal fat.
Fucoxanthin also causes the liver to make more of the fatty acid called DHA. This is an omega-3 fatty acid that helps reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, which scientists say contributes to obesity and heart disease.
Fucoxanthin is tightly bound to proteins in brown seaweed. The researchers suggested that an extract could yield stronger results.
Action to take: Seanol is the extract of the same seaweed species that contains fucoxanthin. My favorite Seanol product is FibroBoost. Both Healthy Resolve (800-728-2288) and NutriCology (800-545-9960) carry it.
EurekAlert, http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-09/acs-bsc082806.php, September 11, 2006.
BBC News http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/5335176.stm, September 11, 2006.