Antibiotics Increase Patient Risk of Deadly Infections

March 1, 2018

I always laugh when mainstream journals finally start reporting things I've been saying for years. However, the topic at hand is no laughing matter. As you likely know, antibiotic resistance is becoming an increasingly widespread - and deadly - problem.

I'm all for antibiotics when they're truly necessary. But far too often, they're used when a variety of other treatment options would work just as well, if not better. And bacteria are getting wise to our weapons and mutating to outsmart them. This means that when we really do need the antibiotics, they may not work against these "superbugs." In fact, over 20,000 people in the U.S. die every year after being infected with bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics.

Most of the research into this issue has focused on trying to find other ways of combating these severe infections (I'll have more below on why much of this research isn't needed). But in the meantime, doctors keep prescribing antibiotics for every little issue. In an essay recently published in the journal PLOS Biology, researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology help to explain why this is such a big deal.

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Let's say you have a mild infection, and your doctor prescribes an antibiotic. You might think that you're only exposing the bacteria causing the infection to the antibiotic. And if those bacteria become resistant to it, it's not really the end of the world. After all, the infection wasn't that bad in the first place. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

When you take an antibiotic, you're giving all the bacteria present in your body a sneak peek at your best weapon against them. And some of these bacteria may be capable of causing much more severe infections - and adapting to antibiotic treatment. This could set you up to contract a deadly antibiotic-resistant infection.

To avoid this, the researchers recommend developing alternative therapies for mild infections. Of course, they failed to report on the best non-antibiotic infection treatment I know of. I'm sure they'll report on it as though it's groundbreaking information in a few years. Here's what it is: ozone therapy. Pre-conditioning your body with this treatment will help your body prepare to fight mild infections on its own. And if you do need an antibiotic for a more severe infection, ozone therapy will help the antibiotic work much more effectively.

Plus, for many bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, ozone therapy and vitamin C will knock it out before you ever have to try the antibiotics (which you should never take for a viral or fungal infection anyway). To find a doctor able to perform this therapy, visit Other options like ultraviolet light therapy, hydrogen peroxide therapy, vitamin D, vitamin A, and immune-enhancers, such as my Super Immune QuickStart, may help to prevent infections and limit their virulence as well. Most doctors who embrace ozone therapy can advise you on these possibilities too.

Yours for better health,

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