There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease yet. Right now the focus is on slowing down the progression of the disease and improving overall function. And, fortunately, there’s much we can do in this respect.
One way to do that is to limit oxidative stress. That means limiting the damaging effect of free radical molecules on the brain cells. Recently researchers reported on a study that helps to decide the best way to do that.
The study looked at 35 patients with Alzheimer’s disease. At the beginning of the study, the researchers performed an MMSE test on each of the patients. They also measured their glutathione peroxidase levels.
The MMSE test is a standardized test that doctors use to follow the progression of Alzheimer’s patients. A perfect score on the MMSE is 30 points. Patients with Alzheimer’s rarely score over 25 points. And each year, their scores go down.
Glutathione peroxidase is the primary antioxidant enzyme in our cells. It’s critical for limiting oxidant stress. For the next two years, the researchers repeated these tests every six months. Here’s what they found.
On average, the patients’ MMSE scores dropped 1.63 points every six months. On the other hand, the patients who had a glutathione peroxidase level over 100 IU had an average decline of 1.19 points per six months.
That amounts to a 27% slower progression of Alzheimer’s.
But Here’s the Really Interesting Data
The researchers also measured the patients’ glutathione levels. Glutathione is what produces glutathione peroxidase. Remarkably enough, they discovered that patients with higher glutathione levels actually progressed the fastest of all. So how do we connect these dots?
It has to do with the production of glutathione peroxidase from glutathione. If this production is slowed down, then what we will see is higher levels of glutathione and lower levels of glutathione peroxidase.
So the problem isn’t how much glutathione you have. It’s how well you turn it over into glutathione peroxidase. So here’s the big question. What natural therapy is out there that will stimulate the conversion of glutathione into glutathione peroxidase?
If you answered ozone therapy, you would be right. Study after study has repeatedly shown that one of the primary effects of ozone therapy is the stimulation of all of the antioxidant enzymes. This is especially true of the conversion of glutathione into glutathione peroxidase.
One study in particular showed a 78% increase in glutathione peroxidase after a course of 15 ozone treatments. And, at the same time, the researchers noted a 5% decrease in glutathione levels. This sounds exactly like what the doctor ordered doesn’t it?
So if your loved one has Alzheimer’s and you are lucky enough to have a doctor versed in ozone therapy in your area, have them get a course of one major autohemotherapy treatment with ozone every week for 15 weeks. This will stimulate their production of the enzymes. Then a treatment just once a month should be enough to maintain the levels. You can find a doctor trained in ozone therapy at
Revel, F., T. Gilbert, S. Roche S, et al. “Influence of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers on Cognitive Decline.” J Alzheimer’s Dis., 2015 January 7.