Doctors who use natural medicine in their practices have long held that diet greatly impacts cancer. In fact, we've argued that the right diet can reverse - or at least slow down - cancer growth. But a new study says we're wrong. Are we?

The new study appeared in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association. But let me show you why this alleged "science" was totally bogus and never should have been published.

The study took 1,537 women who were in remission after having previously diagnosed breast cancer. The researchers then randomly placed them into two separate groups. The first group was to eat five vegetable and three fruit servings, 16 ounces of vegetable juice, and 30 grams of fiber every day. They were allowed to eat meat, but told to limit their fat intake to no more than 20% of calories.

They gave the control group educational materials on this diet, but they didn't restrict their dietary choices in any way.

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The results? They found no difference in cancer recurrence between the two groups after 7.3 years. It sounds like the researchers proved that diet doesn't work. At least that's the way the media has portrayed the study. But here's why this research was so wrong.

The experimental group was unable to achieve the requirement of limiting fat calories to 20%. In fact, their overall fat intake slightly increased. They started out at 28.5% of their calories as fat. They finished the study at 28.9% after six years. The patients in the control group also increased their fat intake - by an additional 13%.

The researchers did find that lycopene levels, a measure of fruit and veggie intake, increased in the experimental group. But that means little. Lycopene can be found in lots of cooked and canned foods. The real issue to me in this study is fat intake. Fat plays a huge role in determining whether you have an acid pH or an alkaline pH. Too much fat and you become acidic, which encourages cancer growth.

Because both groups ate too much fat, we cannot say for sure if there was any therapeutic difference in what either group really ate. Any dietary guru will tell you that you need to limit fat calories to 10% to achieve the ultimate cancer-fighting benefit. The experimental group ate almost three times that amount!

If you really want to fight cancer, please don't listen to the conclusions of this study. It is a perfect example of the corruption in medical science. It is particularly egregious since it was funded in part by your tax dollars (the National Cancer Institute gave $30 million).

Instead, do exactly the opposite of what these researchers recommend. Limit your fat intake to 10% of your daily calories. It's one of the most effective ways I know to completely avoid a cancer relapse. In fact, the healthiest people I see are those who eat a Living Foods diet and limiting fat intake to 10% of total calories. It is the number one way to beat the disease.

Ref: JAMA, July 18, 2007;298:289-298.

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