Did you know you have a one-in-six chance of getting a cataract sometime in your life? Because cataract surgery is so successful today, many people don't worry about this risk. But cataracts are still the number one cause of blindness. So it's far better to prevent cataracts. And there's a very easy way to prevent them.

All you have to do is load up on antioxidants. And there's evidence that three in particular work especially well. Two new studies confirm what I've told you in the past about vitamin C. But one of the studies also evaluated the flavonoids lutein and zeaxanthin.

In the first study, Japanese researchers followed 35,000 people. They evaluated the participants for their vitamin C intake and cataract formation. They found that those in the highest 20% of vitamin C intake had a 40% reduced risk of getting cataracts.

The second study followed 177 (116 women, 61 men) participants over the age of 60. In this study, the researchers found that if you are in the top 5% of vitamin C intake, your risk is reduced some 20% compared to the lowest 5%.

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The study also found that if you already have cataracts, it's likely you don't even take the paltry RDA for vitamin C (60 mg). Only 2.2% of those with cataracts were consuming a more reasonable, but still low dose of 183 mg daily.

But that's not all this study found. If you ingest more than 3,290 mcg daily of lutein, your risk drops 14% compared to ingesting less than 256 mcg daily. Zeaxanthin had a smaller risk reduction, but mostly in men.

Interestingly, the study also found that sunlight exposure is also a major risk factor. If you were out in the sun a lot in your early years, your risk triples compared to being closeted indoors.

But even if you were out in the sun a lot as a child, it's never too late to initiate cataract prevention. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids should be your first stop. Take as much vitamin C as your bowels can tolerate - usually 1,000 mg. And get as many bioflavonoids as you can, especially in your diet. Fruits and vegetables are your best source.

I also recommend you take glutathione. It is abundant in a healthy lens. It reduces free radical damage and cross linking of lens proteins. And its activity is enhanced with alpha lipoic acid, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, undenatured whey protein, and selenium. So keeping optimum levels in your system is great for your eyes.

You can usually find all of these ingredients in a comprehensive vision supplement. I recommend Healthy Resolve's Advanced Vision Formula.
Click here to learn more. (Note: It contains only 125 mg of vitamin C. But if you're taking MaxPlus - or another good multi - you're getting 1,200 mg more per day.)

Ref: International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 2006; 76(6); Nutr, 2007 January 30.

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