Is Depression – or the Drugs Used to Treat It – Causing Parkinson’s Disease?

Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD

October 16, 2023


Over the past 20 years, there’s been a dramatic increase in Parkinson’s disease. Why?

There could be any number of theories. But one study has some amazing results about Parkinson’s and antidepressant drugs that’s more than just a little concerning.

Is it possible these drugs are causing the rise in this terrible disease?

The authors of the study note that, “Individuals with depression have a higher risk of Parkinson’s disease.” So with this in mind they looked at the relationship between the use of antidepressant medications and Parkinson’s. To do that, they investigated a database of more than three million men and women in the UK. Then they identified which ones had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s and which ones had been started on antidepressant medications. They were looking to see if people taking these medications were more likely to get Parkinson’s than people who weren’t. Here’s what they found.

The chances of a patient developing Parkinson’s disease within two years after starting an antidepressant medication was more than double that of anyone not taking the medications! In the words of the authors, “Initiation of any antidepressant therapy was associated with a higher risk of Parkinson’s disease in the two years after the start of treatment.” So does this mean that antidepressant drugs can cause Parkinson’s? The answer is that we don’t really know. There are several different reasons for the increased risk.

The most obvious has to do with how these drugs work. Parkinson’s is a disease in which the brain becomes deficient in the brain chemical called dopamine. Antidepressant medications all affect the balance of brain chemicals, including dopamine. So it’s very possible that the increasingly delicate balance of dopamine that’s often found in men and women as they get older could be disrupted by these drugs. The net effect would be to push the patient into Parkinson’s. But this is not the only possible cause of the increased risk.

Another cause may be that depression itself helps to bring on Parkinson’s. Many doctors including myself believe that stress, anxiety, and depression are the number one factors that lead to disease and the breakdown of the body. These conditions can dramatically change the balance of brain chemistry.

There’s another possible reason for the increased risk between depression, antidepressant drugs, and Parkinson’s. It’s possible Parkinson’s might first show up as depression. This could explain why a person who later comes down with the more typical Parkinson’s symptoms might be more likely to be on antidepressant medications. But in a way, it doesn’t really make a difference which one of these theories is right. Here’s why.

As we get older, many things start to fall apart. One of those things is the balance of our brain chemistry. This is obvious when you look at how incredibly high the likelihood of both depression and Parkinson’s gets as people get older. So why not address this correctly? Why give drugs to people when they become depressed? Why not deal with the real causes of depression?

Often the main cause is an unhealthy reaction to different life situations. We can’t always change our life situations, but we can change the way we react to them. All too often, when older folks become depressed, they are just put on drugs instead of getting the psychological or spiritual help that they really need. The drugs do nothing more than Band-Aid the real problem. And according to this study, they may actually make matters worse and lead to Parkinson’s.

Another frequently overlooked cause for depression is hormonal deficiencies. Women with hormonal deficiencies often become sad and morose. Men often become lackadaisical and disinterested. The answer is not drugs. The answer is to replace the deficient hormones. That’s logical, easy, safe, and also very healthy in a number of other ways.

A third cause for depression in the over-50 crowd is poor lifestyle habits. This includes diets high in sugar, carbohydrates, trans fats, and alcohol and low in fiber, protein, and nutrition. It also includes bad sleep habits and lack of adequate exercise. Studies have shown over and over again that many depression cases can be completely turned around by optimizing the diet, giving the right supplements, and getting into a high level of fitness. All of these factors can have a dramatic effect on brain chemistry.

And lastly, there’s the topic that I have written about many times before. That is the use of certain amino acids to balance out brain chemistry. This is a much better way to go than drugs. It’s safer and more effective, especially when combined with the other factors I just mentioned. Amino acids are protein molecules that we eat every day in our foods. The body uses amino acids to make the different brain chemicals we need. So scientists learned long ago that by taking the right amount of these amino acids in the right ratios for each individual person, it’s possible to completely turn around most brain chemical disorders. Not surprisingly, this includes Parkinson’s! And according to the results of this study, it may be very possible to prevent many cases of Parkinson’s simply by treating depression with aminos instead of drugs.

So if you’re feeling depressed and your doctor has put you on a drug for it instead of looking for the cause, get a second opinion from another doctor. Find one versed in nutrition, hormonal replacement, amino acid therapy, and exercise who has the time to really look into what’s going on. You might have to get on the Internet and make a few calls, but it’s well worth it. And you might just be eliminating Parkinson’s disease from your future.


Alonso, A., L.A. Rodríguez, et al. “Use of antidepressants and the risk of Parkinson’s disease: a prospective study.” J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2009 June;80(6):671-4.

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