An Easy Solution to Longer Telomeres

Doctor Frank Shallenberger

Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD

September 30, 2024


You may remember that I’ve written about telomeres quite a bit in the past. Telomeres form the “tail” of your chromosomes. They act a little bit like the cap on your shoelace, keeping your DNA from unraveling.

Every time your cells divide, your telomeres get just a little bit shorter. If this happens too much, your chromosomes won’t work anymore.

So, the longer your telomeres, the better shape your chromosomes are in. Telomere shortening is a major component of the aging process.

Now, your telomere length is very important. But I don’t want you to lose sleep over it. In fact, new research shows that’s one of the worst things you can do for your telomeres!

Researchers conducted a study of a total of 126 participants aged 60 to 88. Of these participants, 45 suffered from insomnia. The rest were used as controls. The researchers compared telomere lengths among the two groups.

For those who were in their 60s, there wasn’t much difference in telomere length. But for the participants who were 70 and older, those who had insomnia had significantly shorter telomeres than those who were getting good sleep.

If you struggle with insomnia, particularly if you’re over the age of 70, you must find a solution. However, don’t take a sleeping pill. These drugs can be both dangerous and addictive.

Instead, try natural solutions such as exercise, stress reduction techniques, melatonin, herbs, and good sleep habits. Advanced Bionutritionals has produced a product that many of my patients find successful. It’s called Pure Sleep. This is a natural formula that will help you enter into deep, restorative REM sleep.

As we age, our bodies often make less of the calming brain chemicals that help us drift off. This formula contains vitamins and nutrients that boost these chemicals while decreasing stress and anxiety.

Whether you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, Pure Sleep can help you get the rest you need to protect your telomeres.

Yours for better health,

Frank Shallenberger, MD


REF: Carroll JE, Esquivel S, Goldberg A, Seeman TE, Effros RB, Dock J, Olmstead R, Breen EC, Irwin MR. “Insomnia and Telomere Length in Older Adults,” Sleep. 2015 Dec 22. pii: sp-00415-15.

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