Natural Extract Stops the Flu Virus Fast

Doctor Frank Shallenberger

Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD

October 21, 2024


I had a patient come in one day who had leukemia. They had it under control, but then he came down with a viral lung infection that wouldn’t let go.

In patients with leukemia, this can be life-threatening. So I treated it aggressively with ozone therapy and vitamin C. But even this was not enough to knock it out completely.

So, I added an herbal treatment that is often very effective in treating resistant flu infections.

What’s more, researchers published a paper showing why this herb works so well.

The herb is elderberry. The study aimed to determine the mechanism of action of elderberry and its primary active compound, cyanidin 3-glucoside (cyn 3-glu), against the influenza virus. Here’s what they found.

Elderberry extract showed only a mild anti-viral effect in the early stages of the flu. But it was perfect for my patient because its major effect is on the post-infection phase. The post-infection phase is where a lot of people have problems. They get the flu, but it just won’t go away. And four weeks later, they still have it. This is a perfect reason to rely on elderberry. But that is not all they discovered.

The anti-flu effects of elderberry work in two ways. The first way is that elderberry has an immune-stimulating effect similar to ozone therapy in that it can increase the production of the body’s anti-viral cytokines, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF. These cytokines enhance the immune response and can directly kill viruses. Second is the action of Cyn 3-glu. It can kill flu viruses directly by blocking viral glycoproteins, just like an antibiotic can kill a bacterial infection.

The authors summarized their findings this way, “In conclusion, elderberry exhibits multiple modes of therapeutic action against influenza infection.”

Flu activity is widespread across the United States – especially this time of year. And the flu vaccine is not very helpful. Besides containing mercury, as well as other toxic materials, the vaccine is documented to work in only 3-4% of flu cases.

In the 2017-2018 flu season, in which record numbers of people had the flu vaccine, influenza killed nearly 80,000 people. It would have been much better if doctors relied more on ozone therapy, vitamin C therapy, and elderberry instead of a toxic vaccine.

So, keep some elderberry syrup extract on hand (you can order it online). You never know when you might need it. The adult dose is 1-2 tablespoons, four times daily.

Yours for better health,

Frank Shallenberger, MD


Torabian G, Valtchev P, et al. Anti-influenza activity of elderberry (Sambucus nigra). Journal of Functional Foods. Volume 54, March 2019, Pages 353-360

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