What You Must Do to Effectively Treat Peripheral Neuropathy

Doctor Frank Shallenberger

Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD

January 6, 2025

Peripheral Neuropathy

Anybody who has treated peripheral neuropathy knows that it can be very difficult.

Some great supplements for treating this disorder include benfotiamine, methylcobalamin, alpha lipoic acid, and methylated folate.

But, even with these supplements, neuropathy can be difficult. Is there anything that might give an edge on treatment? A new study says yes. And guess what? It’s free.

To do the study, researchers enlisted the help of 84 men and women with type-2 diabetes who also had peripheral neuropathy. They put 37 of them on a moderate aerobic exercise program for eight weeks. The other 47 got the time off. They assessed the neuropathy using vibrational perception threshold before and at the end of the study. Here’s what happened.

The average improvement in vibrational testing was 68% better in the exercise group than in the loafers. The authors point out that such an improvement in vibrational perception threshold indicates a significant improvement in neuropathy.

The levels of exercise used in the study were rather mild (40-60% of heart rate reserve) compared to the high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that I recommend for general health. I’m quite sure that increasing the intensity of the exercise, and taking nutrients like benfotiamine, methylcobalamin, alpha lipoic acid, B6, and acetyl l-carinitine, will yield even better results.

Also, as I have reported in the past, using a Power Plate for 20 minutes, 3 times per week, is very effective.

If you aren’t getting enough exercise, make a New Year’s resolution to get moving. Your body will thank you.

Yours for better health,

Frank Shallenberger, MD

REF: Dixit S, Maiya A, Shastry BA. Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Vibration Perception Threshold in Type 2 Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Population Using 3-sites Method: Single-blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Altern Ther Health Med. 2019 Mar;25(2):36-41.

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