May 15, 2009
Vital nutrient reduces your risk
of blindness by up to 33%
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in people over the age of 50. I can tell you from personal experience — my father suffers with macular degeneration — that it's far better to prevent this disease than to fight it once you get it. But new evidence suggests you can fight the disease with one particular supplement.
The evidence comes from a review of several studies on fish oil. The reviewers found data that suggests that omega-3 intake from fish, either by supplement or fish two times per week, could reduce early macular degeneration by 24%. And it can reduce late macular degeneration by 33%.
While the researchers reviewed almost 89,000 patients, the drawback is that none of the studies they review were high quality studies. None of them were "well done" randomized well-controlled studies. So, the reviewers said it is too early to recommend routine consumption of omega-3 oils.
Well, I agree that it's too early to say fish oil can reverse macular degeneration. But I don't agree that it's too early to recommend omega-3 supplements. You need essential fatty acids to stay healthy. And you need to take them in balance. There are the omega-3s and omega-6s. Most of us get far too many omega-6s. So it's vital that everyone take omega-3 fatty acids.
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Advanced Bionutritionals has an excellent fish oil product that comes with its Healthy Resolve multivitamin/mineral. This high-quality, contamination-free fish oil product will go a long way toward protecting your eyes. You can read more about it by following this link.
If you're a vegetarian and prefer an omega-3 from plant sources, I like a product called Yes EFA! It's available by following this link. If you haven't read my articles on this fantastic product, you can find them on my website.
Yours for better health and medical freedom,
Ref: Arch Ophthalmol, 2008; 126(6).