July 3, 2009

Is vinpocetine as powerful
as they say it is?

You may have read reports or ads recently about the supplement vinpocetine. These reports say the supplement enhances cognitive function. But does it?

According to a recent study, it does a lot more than that. The three-month clinical study followed 40 patients with chronic ischemic (low blood circulation). The researchers gave each of the cardiovascular patients an IV of vinpocetine in gradually increasing doses. They also took oral vinpocetine or a placebo.

The researchers then followed how well the patients' blood flowed at one month and three months. They evaluated this by measuring hematocrit, fibrinogen, whole blood viscosity, red blood cell aggregation, and red cell deformability (stiffness of the cells). (I've discussed blood stickiness in previous issues. If you're a subscriber to my newsletter, you can read these for free on my website.)

Intravenous vinpocetine significantly decreased red blood cell aggregation. This lowered plasma and whole blood viscosity. That means their blood flow improved! Oral vinpocetine significantly beat the placebo after three months. The authors concluded that you can use vinpocetine to maintain the health of your blood for years to come.

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Blood thickness is a key indicator of long-term vascular health. Improved flow properties are crucial to overcoming all vascular diseases.

Vinpocetine is a synthetically altered compound in periwinkle. The Europeans introduced it into clinical practice more than 20 years ago. It helps cerebrovascular disorders and related symptoms. It can also dilate blood vessels, improve oxygen utilization, and inhibit aggregation of platelets. Vinpocetine even has antioxidant properties. And it easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.

It may be one supplement you want to try. Consider taking 5-10 mg twice daily. Advanced Bionutritionals Advanced Memory Formula contains 10 mg of vinpocetine, along with other memory-enhancing nutrients. You can order it by following this link.

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