May 5, 2010
The cancer you should never treat
The thought of cancer really scares most people. So much, in fact, that the fear leads us to do things we normally would never consider. Women have their precious breasts mashed and fried with radiation to search for early cancer. Men have needles poked into their prostate glands. And both sexes run for colonoscopy. What have we accomplished with all this fear? A lot of unnecessary treatment. Let me explain.
A New York Times article says many, many cancers vanish without treatment. In fact, most cancers may spontaneously regress!
Dr. Barnett Kramer is associate director for disease prevention at the National Institutes of Health. He said that the old view is that cancer is a linear process. "A cell acquired a mutation, and little by little it acquired more and more mutations. Mutations are not supposed to revert spontaneously."
But Thea Tisty, PhD is a professor of pathology at the University of California, San Francisco. She says that everyone, by middle or old age, is riddled with cancer and precancerous cells. How does she know? Her group found cancer cells in autopsy studies of people who died of other causes, with no idea that they had cancer cells or precancerous cells. They did not have large tumors or symptoms of cancer. "The really interesting question," Dr. Tisty said, "is not so much why do we get cancer as why don't we get cancer?"
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What most people don't realize is that mammograms detect more cancer when you have them done every year than when you have one every five years. That means that cancers are spontaneously regressing before the five-year period. If early cancer detection and treatment were really working, we should have fewer late-stage cancers, as we detect and treat early cancers. But that's not what has happened. We are detecting more early cancers, but the rate of late stage cancers is unchanged. Something is wrong with the conventional logic.
I've never been a fan of cancer screening. This finding is exactly the reason why. I've always been of the opinion that cancers come and go, depending on your overall health and your immune system's health. I don't think that conventional treatment does much at all. For a cancer that is going to be lethal, I believe that it will still be lethal no matter what conventional medicine does. In fact, I think a lot of the cancer cases "cured" by conventional medicine would have gone away on their own. So conventional medicine gets undeserved applause.
What's worse, many of the people who die of cancer, actually die from radiation and chemotherapy poisoning. And with this report, I'm sure many of them died unnecessarily. If a cancer is going to regress, why treat it and risk death by poisoning?
So why get screened then at all for a pre-existing cancer? I don't. I believe in prevention — with eating right, alkalinizing your body, detoxing, exercising, getting moderate sunlight, and reducing stress. These will beat cancer screening any day in my book. But if you insist on screening, thermography is the only way to go. See my website for more information on this incredible technology and for all the wonderful and often costless treatments and preventives of cancer. They could save your life.
Yours for better health and medical freedom,