October 1, 2010

Miracle food raises HDL,
lowers LDL and triglycerides better than drugs

On Wednesday, I showed you how broccoli sprouts can fight H. pylori, stomach ulcers, and stomach inflammation better than drugs. Now there's another food that works better than drugs for raising HDL cholesterol.

As you may know, HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol. If your HDL cholesterol is high, then you can handle higher cholesterol levels without damage to your heart. So increasing HDL is very important.

However, if you ask your conventional doctor, he'll tell you that it's hard to increase HDL cholesterol. So they often insist on powerful drugs to artificially raise HDL. However, a new study says you can raise HDL with a simple fruit.

A Taiwan study on 43 subjects with high lipid levels found that just two kiwis per day could significantly reverse lipid problems. HDL increased, as did vitamin C and vitamin E levels. What's more, their LDL dropped as well.

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This study confirms a Norwegian study done in 2004. In that trial, two to three kiwis per day dropped triglyceride levels by 15%. They also reduced platelet aggregation by 15%. Platelet aggregation places you at a higher risk of heart attacks and blood clots.

Doctors often push aspirin to reduce sticky platelets. Why not try kiwis? You can get the same result without any risk! Plus you get all the great nutrients for other health support.

You know, if the kiwi growers advertised this as a challenge to toxic statins, they would, of course, go to jail thanks to today's FDA standards.

Ref: Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2009; 19.

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