March 4, 2011
Why these gluten-free grains
be dangerous for celiacs
I've told you a lot about gluten and the problems this protein causes. It can cause anything from gut inflammation to brain problems. Simply avoiding what should be gluten-free foods might not be enough. You might need to purchase foods specifically labeled "gluten free." Here's why:
Many food manufacturers make their products with gluten-free grains. These include millet, rice, buckwheat, and sorghum, etc. But a new study says these grains may not be as gluten free as you might think.
In the study, researchers looked at 22 products made from these gluten-free grains. They examined them for the presence of the protein. Then they compared their finding with the FDA standard of 20 ppm gluten to be called gluten free. Seven of the 22 failed the FDA standard. And one product made from soy contained a whopping 3,000 ppm of gluten. That could send any gluten-sensitive person into a tizzy.
Action to take: If you know you have celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity, you should only purchase foods marked "gluten free." You also should consider taking Gluten Sensitivity formula with any meal you suspect might contain even a trace of gluten. This product will help you digest the protein.
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Insulin’s Evil Twin
This overlooked hormone might be the real reason you still struggle with out-of-control blood sugar. But most doctors (even alternative doctors) ignore it completely.
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Ref: JADA, June 2010