June 24, 2011

Strawberries — more than just a powerful cholesterol fighter

A few weeks ago, I told you about the powerful cholesterol-lowering abilities of strawberries. As you may know, I love strawberries. Actually, I love berries in general. They’re my favorite fruits. Now we find out that strawberries might be a powerhouse cancer preventive and treatment.

An Ohio State University study found that strawberry powder caused precancerous esophageal lesions to regress. Of 29 patients, 26 had large reductions in the malignancy grading of lesions.

This is good news for an otherwise bleak cancer. Only 8% of patients make it five years past diagnosis. It’s the sixth leading cause of worldwide cancer death. Here is a totally safe, nutritious, and inexpensive means of preventing it.

If you have acid reflux, you’re at increased risk. If you’ve ever been told you have Barrett’s esophagus, you are at very high risk. But I feel certain that the benefits of strawberries don’t just stop with the esophagus. This fruit has bioflavonoids that can attack cancer metabolism in several points. Consider adding other super fruits to your diet. These include pomegranates, acai berries, and gogi. All of these are readily available.

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The strawberry powder used here was a 10x concentrate. But I have no doubt that fresh strawberries will prevent it just as well, especially if you eat as many as I do. Remember, strawberries are one of the most heavily sprayed crops, so be sure that any product you use is organic.

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