July 27, 2011

How to reduce your cancer
risk when taking HRT

As you may know, hormone replacement therapy significantly increases your risk of breast cancer. But if you’re taking HRT, there’s new evidence you can protect yourself from this deadly disease.

In a recent study, researchers fed one group of rats apigenin and another group a placebo. Not familiar with apigenin? It’s a common compound found in parsley, celery, apples, oranges, nuts, and other plants.

Those rats eating the apigenin developed fewer tumors compared to rats that didn’t eat the compound. They also had significant delays in tumor development. This might be important for all women taking hormones of any kind.

In this study, the researchers gave the rats the synthetic progestin medroxyprogesterone acetate. This toxic chemical has a similar effect in women as the drug Provera does. It accelerates breast cancer development. A minimum level of apigenin delays onset and development of the cancer, at least in rats.

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Apigenin is a bioflavonoid. It’s in a very common class of bioflavonoids that includes quercetin and luteolin. These compounds are emerging as stars of overall nutrition. You can get an abundance of these compounds in your food. Simply increase your consumption of green, leafy, and colorful veggies.

You also can take supplements of bioflavonoids. In some circumstances, it’s a great idea. Some of the best are resveratrol, green tea, and Seanol/Alginol, all available from Advanced Bionutritionals.

Ref: United Press International, May 9, 2011.

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