March 28, 2012

If you’re genetically at risk for Alzheimer’s, do this now...

New research tells us that the onset of cognitive decline begins at age 45. Yes, in your fifth decade, not your eighth.

A recent study followed nearly 4,200 participants between 45 and 70. The study lasted for 10 years. It found during that time that reasoning scores decreased by 3.6 % for men between the ages of 45 and 49. For those between 65 and 70, the scores declined by 9.6%. The corresponding figures for women stood at 3.6% and 7.4% respectively. And the older you get, the faster the decline.

This is particularly alarming in light of the Alzheimer’s epidemic. The good news is you can stop the decline. All you have to do is exercise, eat right, and take supplements when necessary.

First, comes a study on exercise in genetically susceptible people. The APOE-4 genetic variant is the most established genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Washington University Researchers studied 201 men and women aged 45-88. All of them tested normal. Among the 163 subjects who were imaged with a PET scan to measure amyloid deposits, 52 were APOE-4 carriers. The brain substance in these people had higher binding affinity for toxic beta amyloid, as did people who were sedentary regardless of the sedentary group’s APOE status. The authors concluded that the genetically susceptible APOE-4 carriers were at higher risk of beta amyloid deposition if they had a sedentary lifestyle!

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Finally, a very recent publication actually measured key nutrients in relation to their risk for brain shrinkage. The key nutrients for brain size are vitamins B, C, D, and E and essential fatty acids. The more of these you have in your body, the more likely your mind will remain sharp.

There is one food that’s particularly bad for your brain — anything that contains trans fats. Declining brain function is directly related to higher intakes of trans fats, which is very common in our fast and fried food world. This may explain why we have such an epidemic of Alzheimer’s.

I don’t think you need to have your APOE-4 checked. Why would you? You can’t do anything about your genetics. But, you can do plenty about how your genes perform, and give your brain’s DNA the best bang for the buck. How? By eating right and exercising — the same message again and again.

Supplements can help. I do take Advanced Memory Formula to help keep my mind sharp. And it works. Don’t wait for cognitive decline. PREVENT IT!

Ref: Alzheimer's Disease, 2012-01-20 06:00:01; Arch Neurol., January 9, 2012; Neurology, 2012 Jan 24;78(4):241-9.

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