November 2, 2012
Why seniors must take resveratrol
As you may know, I love the nutrient resveratrol. It’s a powerful immune system booster and heart protector. But now we have compelling research that this super nutrient can help improve your mobility. The evidence is so strong it suggests that it might even help prevent falls in seniors.

In a new study, researchers fed both young and old mice a diet rich in resveratrol for eight weeks. Then they tested the mice for mobility and balance. They did this by having the mice navigate a steel mesh balance beam. Then they counted the number of times they faltered.

At the study outset, the senior mice had problems navigating the course. But, by the fourth week, they were doing better. They were doing so much better, in fact, that they were able to navigate the beam with the speed of young mice.

Then the researchers turned to how it might work. They found that resveratrol modulates damage done to neurons from high levels of dopamine. Dopamine, a key neurotransmitter in Parkinson’s disease, when normally detoxified in the brain, can lead to free radical damage to cells.

This is a wonderful report on how you might be able to make your brain operate on a more youthful level. While not studied, I think anyone on conventional Parkinson’s treatment should consider supplemental resveratrol. Allopathic treatment is based on increasing dopamine availability in stressed brain structures. It’s possible that too much of the stuff could backfire. And resveratrol might be like adding some extra padding to a thin catcher’s mitt.

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As Parkinson’s progresses – and for those with weak muscles – falling is a serious threat to your health and your life. Many people hit their head when they fall, or break their hip. It’s a good idea to take anything that can help your mobility and your balance. And resveratrol can definitely help.

You won’t get the resveratrol you need from red wine to match what they used here. You would need 280 ounces per day. It’s better to take a good resveratrol supplement instead. I recommend Advanced Resveratrol Formula.

Yours for better health and medical freedom,

P.S. A portion of sales in October has been donated to the American Red Cross to help with relief from Hurricane Sandy.  Please join us in helping those in need.


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