December 21, 2012
Researchers find cancer cure - but drug companies won't develop it
What if Big Pharma came across a synthetic compound that stopped cancer in its tracks? And what if it was nontoxic as well? You'd hear about it before you could blink. Now suppose that researchers actually found a compound that did exactly that, but it was a natural compound that's likely in your refrigerator right now. You wouldn't hear even a whisper about it from the media. Well, it's happened.

University of Missouri researchers found that a bioflavonoid, apigenin, inhibited the growth of highly malignant breast tumors. What's more, it also reduced expression of a key cancer gene. Apigenin is in your refrigerator right now if you have celery, parsley, or a wide variety of other veggies, fruits, and spices.

Here's how effective apigenin is. In this recent study, researchers implanted rodents with a particularly deadly breast tumor cell line. The animals taking apigenin had slower tumor growth. And some even saw their tumors shrink. New cancer-feeding blood vessels shriveled, starving the malignant cells. And they found that apigenin acted against progestin-related/dependent breast cancers. Progestins are petrochemical synthetic versions, a "gift" of Pharma. Research has shown that they cause breast cancer.

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This study mirrored another one last year which showed that rats fed the compound developed fewer tumors and a delay in tumor establishment.

The study's co-author, Salman Hyder gave a sad commentary on today's horrible Pharma paradigm. He pointed out that since this is a compound that you can extract from plants (not patentable) we won't see industry putting a dime into research. And since its effects are not specific on any one cancer process, it's not likely that government funding agencies will help either.

I've written extensively about the wonders of bioflavonoids. The late Tom Lahey, who told me about luteolin (in Advanced Memory Formula), also provided me with a wealth of information on bioflavonoid actions against cancer. This included apigenin. Curcumin belongs to this family as does green tea, Seanol and resveratrol. I am observing innovative combinations of bioflavonoids having remarkable effects in a combined approach to cancer.

In addition to the foods I've already mentioned, you'll find apigenin in apples, leeks, onions, broccoli, cherries, grapes, tomatoes, and tea. Note that these plant foods reduce your risk of getting cancer in the first place. Other foods include basil, oregano, cilantro, tarragon, beans, and barley. You'll do very well to include such produce in your daily diet!

Yours for better health and medical freedom,

Ref: Horm Cancer. 2012 Aug;3(4):160-71. Epub 2012 May 9.

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