January 9, 2013
Why you don't have to fear West Nile and Hanta viruses
We're beginning to hear about a lot more deaths from the West Nile virus. Health officials are convinced that this will be the worst year for West Nile virus deaths and severe illnesses since 1999 (the year it first appeared in the U.S.).

Despite the press, your risk of a catastrophe is very small. Only about 1-in-5 infected people gets sick. Some recover quickly. But you have a 1 in 150 risk of developing severe symptoms. These include neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, and paralysis, even death. There will be many more infections, as this disease makes its rounds. But still, your risk will remain small.

West Nile isn't the only disease making the news. The media now tells us that the Hanta virus is in Yosemite. Thankfully, my trek in Yosemite was last year before the current outbreak. The Hanta virus is far more deadly.

There is good news though. The government (correctly this time) tells us that you can kill the Hanta virus with ultraviolet light. That means that any virus particles exposed to our sun are destroyed, so casual exposure outdoors is unlikely. The more likely means of transmission is exposure to rodent droppings inside a tent, like what happened in Yosemite.

But again, I'm not at all concerned about Hanta either. With government knowledge of UV destroying Hanta, it is deplorable that our corrupt health system (including the Pharma controlled government) doesn't turn to a therapy tried and true decades ago – namely ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy. This technique cured vicious viruses like polio and viral pneumonia in hours to days in the 1940s. I suspect the same would happen with West Nile. I'm working a new article for my newsletter. It will appear this Spring. But know this, UBI can cure West Nile and Hanta, along with most other viral and bacterial infections.

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Ref: http://www.odh.ohio.gov/pdf/idcm/hanta.pdf.

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