March 8, 2013
The little-known supplement that reverses osteoporosis
You already know that nutrients are great for bones. I told you about vitamin C on Wednesday. You've probably heard about magnesium, strontium, and many others that can protect your bones. But now there's another dirt-cheap supplement to add to the list. And this one can actually reverse osteoporosis.

A study has found that potassium citrate (K-citrate) just might be a great ticket to bone health. What's more, it's by a mechanism that is very close to my heart.

Researchers got the idea to study K-citrate from the idea acid diets can lead to osteoporosis. This supplement helps neutralize excess acid generated from our western diet. (Meat and heavy foods generate excessive acids. Your body neutralizes the acid with calcium it takes from your bones.) They saw a study in which K-citrate neutralized excess acid and improved bone density.

So, they investigated to see if this simple approach could also prevent declines in bone mass and quality, both of which occur with aging.

The researchers recruited 201 men and women over 65. The subjects took just 60 mEq of potassium citrate daily or a placebo, along with calcium and vitamin D. They measured each of the participants bone mass by DEXA scan at 24 months.

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Urinary acid measurements showed complete neutralization of excess acid production in the K-citrate group. The subjects also had lower calcium excretion at 6 and 12 months.

It gets better. After two years, lumbar spine density had increased by 1.7% on average in the K-citrate group. All bone parameters showed improvement with no signs of plateau (stopping of the improvement). High-resolution screening showed bone density increases of 1.3% and 2.0% respectively in the non-dominant tibia and radius. Both sexes had significant decreases in fracture risk as measured by FRAXX (Fracture Risk Assessment Tool). The participants tolerated the supplement well.

If Pharma could patent something with results and lack of horrible side effects like potassium, you'd hear it all over the world news. Fortunately, you get Second Opinion.

One final point. These researchers did confirm my warnings about a meat-based western acid-producing diet. Please take steps to reduce all refined and processed food, and limit animal protein in order to reduce acid. Every acid molecule, whether from meat, soft drinks, excess grains, etc., requires a calcium or similar needed mineral to neutralize and eliminate it. You'll do well to reduce these foods in your diet and fill yourself with as many fruits and vegetables as you can. They will help keep your body pH balanced properly.


Harding, Anne, Reuters Health, Nov 27, 2012.

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