March 20, 2013
When treating cancer is a crime
You might remember that California passed a medical freedom bill several years ago. I'm happy to say that this bill has worked out rather well. The medical board is honoring both the letter and spirit of the law. But there was a huge problem with this law – it completely overlooked cancer treatment.

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While the medical board oversees medical treatment, a draconian provision in the Health and Safety Code limits legal treatment for cancer to the foregoing three toxic/disfiguring treatments (chemo, radiation, surgery). The medical board must accept integrative management for cancer under the code which empowers that board. But the Department of Health administers the Health and Safety code. The Department of Health doesn't have to follow the California medical freedom law, so it can turn quite ugly if it chooses to go after those offering non-conventional cancer treatments. It could decide to criminally prosecute a physician for the non-toxic treatment of cancer, even if the doctor cures the patient!

Think of this: We know that hormone treatment for prostate cancer is effective (though not pleasant). We know that the NIH is studying high dose IV vitamin C (IVC) treatment as an effective cancer treatment. The NIH knows IVC has cured some cancers. We know that immune stimulation and modulation can mitigate cancer.  Oxidation therapy has helped to remit cancer in my own hands. Yet, currently doing any of these therapies to treat cancer in California is a CRIME!

Now there's an opportunity to fix this problem. We have an opportunity, at last, to level the playing field in California for integrative treatment of cancer.

AB 1278 has been introduced to the California legislature by Assemblyman Ben Huseo. It protects everyone, particularly the patient, who, with passage, will see restored consumer choice.  (You can see the text of the bill at: This new bill reaffirms the absolute requirement to give the patient informed consent. When the doctor gives the patient that informed consent, the legislation would remove the limitation of cancer treatment to only chemo, radiation, and surgery.  It removes the criminal aspect of non-conventional cancer treatment, and gives cancer treatment oversight to the medical board, where it should be.

In the past, we integrative docs feared the medical board for us even giving you a shot of vitamin B12. Times have changed. The current law protecting integrative practices then will stretch to all conditions, including cancer.

Passage means that you will be removed from the clutches of the cancer industry and oncologists. (They currently enjoy a state mandated monopoly.) I respectfully ask all my readers in California to call their state assemblyman and request him/her to co-sponsor the bill. Your life may one day depend on it.

And please call your state senator at the same time to put in your support for the bill, should it make it through the assembly to the senate. You know that the organized Cancer Industry will do what it can to scuttle the bill and protect their unholy monopoly. But please know that you make a huge difference. In 1990, I led a group of individual Alaskan citizens to stand up against organized medicine to pass the nation's first legislation protecting unconventional medicine. California is nearing completion of its long-needed protection. Please lend your support.

You can definitely provide further assistance as well as get information at: Please consider financial support. Tax deductible donations can be made to the non-profit Cancer Control Society and mark "donation for Cancer Bill."  Their Web site is Please consider supporting this effort financially even if you don't live in California. Remember, for Californians, your right to life here is being weighed. And as California is the bell weather state for the nation, this legislation will impact the whole country. Please help out!

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