April 5, 2013
The three-nutrient combination to drop weight and prevent disease
If you are heavy and love to eat, you probably know that you're increasing inflammation in your body. Visceral fat increases your risk for vascular disease, cancer, liver fat infiltration, and ages you faster. But new research shows one of my favorite nutrients can increase your metabolism and prevent these illnesses.

In this study, researchers wanted to know how resveratrol and other bioflavonoids benefit mice suffering the same metabolic effects from a "bad" high-fat diet that humans suffer.

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The researchers gave the mice a grape extract, green tea extract, and l-carnitine. These nutrients reduced the increases in plasma lipids, returned the mice to normal weight, and reversed liver fat infiltration. They also significantly reduced elevated liver enzymes (sign of overt liver disease).

I've reported on resveratrol (a grape product) and green tea and their wondrous effects on metabolism in the past. This study shows how this metabolic effect also helps you avoid disease. The carnitine is a great addition, as it improves mitochondrial function, enabling your body to burn fat more effectively.

I have no second thoughts about combining these nutrients if you are battling the bulge. Advanced Bionutritionals makes fine resveratrol and green tea stand-alone products. And you can find the carnitine in Ubiquinol, which combines the mitochondrial-enhancing nutrients alpha lipoic acid, carnitine, and Ubiquinol (CoQ10). Simply follow the dosage recommendations on the labels. Taking all three products together can make for a great weight loss and disease prevention combination.

I'd love to hear back from you on your experience with the combination!

Ref: Phytother Res, 2011 April 8.

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