May 24, 2013
When flossing isn't enough —
new drinks that might
stop gum disease

Are your gums receding? Do they bleed when you floss? Has your dentist said you have gum disease? If so, he probably didn't tell you this simple way to fight it.

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Simply drink a good probiotic. That's right! There are now probiotic drinks on the market that can help you fight gum disease. A new study shows just how effective they can be.

In this study, researchers assessed 28 healthy adults for the effects of a probiotic drink on a "plaque-inducing diet." Furthermore, they told the subjects not to brush their teeth for the final two weeks of consuming the drink. The good news was that those consuming the drink had reduced inflammation and bleeding in their gums caused by the increased plaque. In other words, the probiotics kept the additional plaque from destroying their gum tissue.

The probiotic mild drink was Yacult. You can learn more about it – and find out where you can buy it – at

But it's not the only probiotic drink available. There are a multitude of mild fermented drinks on the market. Kefir should ring a bell, and it's widely available at health food stores and online. Good germs modulate inflammation. Even better, they displace the bad germs.

So if you have periodontal disease or gingivitis, consider a good probiotic drink and swish it around in your mouth before you swallow! Or, if you’re already taking Advanced Probiotic Formula, simply open the capsule, pour the contents in your mouth, and swish it around before swallowing.

REF: Eur J Clin Nutr, 2011 March 30.

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