The no-cost way to eliminate
high blood pressure
If you have high blood pressure, there's something you can do to lower it. You don't have to buy any drugs or supplements. In fact, it won't cost you any money at all. And you don't have to see a doctor for it.

What could possibly work so well and not require some time of major expense? All you have to do is eat your food at the right time of day. Sounds crazy. But a new study says it may have a huge impact on your blood pressure.

This study followed 517 men and 635 women. They completed a five-day diet diary. The investigators evaluated caloric intake during the course of the day, and evaluated blood pressure at the age of 43 and again after 10 years.

The results are telling. Those who ate the most calories at breakfast had a 30% decrease in the chances of hypertension. Those who ate the most calories in the late evening had a 55% increase in risk. They also had the greatest rise in systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to those with the lowest caloric intake in the late evening. They concluded that the later you eat your food, the higher your risk for higher blood pressure.

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Once again, this makes logical sense and fits my paradigm of insulin as the hormone of aging and death. It makes far more sense to ingest the most calories early in the day. You'll burn more of these calories due to your daily routine. If you eat late in the evening, you won't burn the calories. This will force your body to use insulin to take care of the glucose load, converting it to fat for storage. This process is deadly for your circulation.

The typical American loads up most at the evening meal.  If you are concerned about blood pressure (as well as weight gain), make sure you eat your calorie-dense food in the morning. Keep the evening meal as light on calories as you can.

REF: Hypertension 2-2013.

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