A Duke University study found that those exposed to pesticides have a 1.6 times higher risk of getting the disease than those with no known exposure. Those with the heaviest previous exposure (over 200 days) had more than double the risk. And most alarming, the researchers said "recreational pesticide use in the home and garden was more of a source of exposure than occupational use." Herbicides and insecticides were the chemicals studied most likely to do the damage. The authors suggested more research to study the mechanism of action.
Information like this should be at the forefront of the nightly news health reports. Parkinson's claims millions of Americans. The only sound treatment, in my opinion, is prevention. Why should chemicals be so devastating to your brain?
Many organic chemicals will directly damage your brain. These chemicals are usually fat soluble. Your brain is mostly fat. Neurons are mostly membranes and membranes are made up of lipids. So, chemicals will directly enter your brain. Now think about pesticides. Many damage the nervous system of insects. Makes sense that your nervous system would be damaged as well. Your brain goes to great lengths to protect itself from unwanted bad stuff. That's what the blood-brain barrier is all about. If the chemical is fat soluble, that barrier is defeated. The bad stuff can pour in.
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Please consider getting an infrared sauna. I've seen them spouting up everywhere from Home Depot and on the internet. For a small personal portable fabric sauna, the price is an astonishing low $199 at many sites. This type of sauna can help you sweat out fat-stored toxins. And it could help you prevent Parkinson's.