Here's why: A recent study looked at its value on 392 men. They were about evenly split between conventional radiation and the new-fangled stuff. They followed the men for five years. Just over 61% of men on conventional radiation remained cancer-free. But 80.4% of those treated with high-dose radiation had no cancer recurrence, the researchers found.
This sounds great. But there's a catch. After five years, there was no difference in survival rates.
Friend, that's exactly what's wrong with conventional medicine. They get a good report on the particular parameter their chemical or procedure targets (like lowering blood pressure with drugs). But the bottom line is the long-term outcome.
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So if you have prostate cancer (or any other cancer), don't jump on the latest technological bandwagon just because your local newspaper does. Too often there's a price to pay for jumping in too soon.
On Friday, I'll have some better, less dangerous treatments you can use to treat prostate cancer. These are treatments that work - and are quite safe.