As you may know, I'm one of the only newsletter writers who promotes the Living Foods diet. This diet is made up primarily of raw fruits and vegetables. While many have said this diet won't work, the proof that it does continues to come out. In fact, each passing year brings new proof of my long-term observations and conclusions. Now there's yet more proof that the heat you use on your foods does, indeed, cause you much greater risk for diabetes and vascular disease.
This new proof comes from a new randomized, cross-over diet study on 62 volunteers. Cross-over studies are great in that they allow the studied groups to switch roles. That adds a lot of significance to the findings.
The researchers in this study evaluated the effects of Maillard reaction products (MRP) on the volunteers. MRP is a name for a chemical process by which heat generates literally hundreds or more of a complex mixture of compounds responsible for a huge range of odors and flavors. Heating starches to high temperatures creates acrylamide. I've told you in the past about how this compound can increase your risk of cancer. Flavor scientists have used heat over years to create artificial flavors, which you'll find in processed foods.
The diets of the two groups differed only in the type and amount of heat inflicted on the foods they ate. One group steamed their food and the other used high temperature cooking. After one month, those consuming high-heat treated diets (compared to steaming) saw significantly lower insulin sensitivity. They also had much lower plasma concentrations of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, and vitamin E. These findings were highly significant.
At the same time, plasma triglycerides increased 5% and cholesterol jumped 9%. The authors concluded that consuming high heat-treated foods increases your risk of type-2 diabetes and vascular disease. Imagine if Big Pharma created a drug that dropped your cholesterol 9% and was 100% safe. What an international stir that would make! But you can do it right in your own kitchen! And for free!
Continued Below...
Boost Your Nitric Oxide Levels With L-Arginine, Right? Wrong!
Why Arginine Is Nearly Useless For People Over 40... Plus What MIT Researchers Say You Should Be Doing Instead
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I'm not a madman. I'm a maverick who looks outside the box. I've been to India where I've seen hard-working vegetarian peasants losing limbs to diabetes in their 30s. And no, they were not obese. They cook their foods to oblivion in oil.
We've known for years that heat destroys crucial vitamins like C, B6, and now E. It also destroys fatty acids, denatures proteins, and limits mineral availability. But we are now getting an inkling of how heated foods causes yet deeper and subtler damage. Heat creates compounds not found in nature. These compounds could be highly immune activating, carcinogenic, toxic oxidants, oxidized lipids (the underlying cause of vascular disease) dangerous amines, and more.
I urge you to move toward the Living Foods Diet. Science is proving me right month after month. It's no wonder that I see miracle after miracle in my practice. But they're not "miracles." It's simply the restoration of your body's own healing processes as God designed, when you feed it properly.
Please strive to make uncooked living foods up to 70-80% of your diet, even more in the warm months, while perhaps less in the cold months. Use only water to cook with. That limits the heat to 212º F at the most. That upper limit of heat may be below the threshold for the most toxic chemical reactions. Never cook with oil. There's just no control for how hot it gets.