Volume11, Issue 40 May 16, 2014
Should women with breast cancer avoid soy - the answer may surprise you
Soy continues to be highly controversial. I have promised to bring you information from both sides of the line as it comes out. Some people believe soy leads to cancer. But others say it prevents cancer. I still believe soy in moderation is quite healthful. And here's another study that confirms that position. This new study suggests soy can reduce your risk of breast cancer.

A Dutch study evaluated 296 postmenopausal and 87 premenopausal women with breast cancer. Researchers measured plasma isoflavones in these women. They compared levels to 383 matched controls. Soy is rich in isoflavones. They are considered phytoestrogens (weak plant estrogens).

Women in the highest tertile of genistein had nearly a one-third reduced risk of developing breast cancer. While researchers measured other isoflavones and lignans, they found significant protection only from genistein.

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Breast cancer is clearly estrogen driven. Dietary phytoestrogens could displace the more active cancer-inducing estrogens, or estrogen-like pesticides from vulnerable cell receptors. This could be the reason it reduces your risk.

I don't think that soy is the menace many do. In fact, it could help many women with breast cancer. However, I do think that most of the soy you consume should be from fermented soy products. These include miso, tempeh, and natto in contrast to non-fermented tofu.

Additionally, about 100% of the soy grown in this country today is GMO. I don't want Monsanto's Roundup Ready genes in my body. Neither should you. If you eat soy, make sure that it's organic.

"Plasma Phytoestrogens and Subsequent Breast Cancer Risk," Verheus M, van Gils CH, et al, J Clin Oncol, 2007 Jan 2; [Epub ahead of print].

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