This was a federally sponsored study on 856 people at least 71 years old. The researchers found that 22% of them have seen declines in their mental faculties. Other research finds that 12% of these folks will go on to develop full-blown dementia. When you combine these figures with the numbers having dementia and Alzheimer's, the total percentage of seniors with mental impairment reaches about one-third.
Many (about 25%) of these seniors had a chronic medical condition. These included diabetes or heart disease. Of course these are circulatory conditions, which can be an underlying cause of mental decline. The authors suggest exercise and stimulating mental challenges as potential remedies.
With the aging baby boomer population, we are on the brink of a catastrophe. It will be worse for us than our parents. We've been exposed to greater amounts of junk foods and environmental poisons. I continue to urge prevention over treatment. The exercise and mental stimulation can definitely help. Beyond that, you have to eat right. Detox the heavy metals in your body using chelation therapy.
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